【双语 Two Language】 Welcome to use hexo-theme-redefine

【双语 Two Language】 Welcome to use hexo-theme-redefine

磅豆龙 融会贯通


本文是由 hexo-theme-redefine 主题的其中一名贡献者维护,不代表官方立场,官方信息请转移官网 查看

This article is made up of hexo-theme-redefine theme of one of the contributors to maintain, does not represent the official position, the official information please check on the Offcial Website .


Redefine 是一款简洁、快速、纯粹的 Hexo 主题,其简约之美遥非平凡,让人领略到设计的力量。本主题不仅包含诸多实用丰富的功能,而且赋予了精致而出色的设计理念。

Redefine is a simple, fast, pure Hexo theme, its simple beauty is far from ordinary, let people appreciate the power of design. This theme not only contains many practical and rich functions, but also gives a refined and excellent design concept.

本主题源自 hexo-theme-keep 的早期版本,进一步进行了精心打磨和扩展。在保留了原主题的精炼基础上,我们优化了整体样式,引入了丰富的写作模块,并增添了多种插件支持。同时,大幅提高了自定义的灵活度,旨在让您能够更加便捷、顺畅地运用本主题,打造出独具匠心的个人博客。

Theme Building on the solid foundation of hexo-theme-keep , Redefine elevates the style and incorporates valuable writing tools and plugins. It offers extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor every detail to your preferences. With Redefine, your blogging experience becomes unique and effortless, showcasing your personal style and needs.

官方站点 // Official Website

Github 官网 文档

其他信息 // Other Information

NPM version npm downloadsnpm-total Required Hexo versionNodeJS Version

主题介绍 // Introduction


The Redefine theme takes into account the user’s interaction, and has flexible adjustment modules in the sidebar, toolbar, etc

丰富的侧边栏控件 Abundant sidebar control


For those who are not familiar with the code, we have prepared beautiful page templates, and we will add more page templates for everyone to use in the future. This reduces the need for users to write their own page by yaml files

美观的内置页面 Beautiful built-in pages


In order to make theme deployment smoother for users, the theme team has written a highly readable set of documents, with the belief of “teaching by hand” to improve the documentation

可读性极高的文档 Hightly readable documentation


Of course, there is also a lot of user support for us, this is the star situation as of 2024/06/28, we have 1.3k+ Stars on Github. So, you’re not tempted yet?

拥有1.3k+ Stars

支持主题 // Support

欢迎 pull request 或者 提交 issues.

如有问题,请发邮件到 contact@ohevan.com . 作者会及时回复

如果主题还不错的话,欢迎给主题在 Github 点个 Star,谢谢

  • Title: 【双语 Two Language】 Welcome to use hexo-theme-redefine
  • Author: 磅豆龙
  • Created at : 2024-06-28 12:12:45
  • Updated at : 2024-08-28 07:13:47
  • Link: https://blog.setbun.com/p/20240628.html
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.